When Mike and I found out we were going to be grandparents, I was immediately on the hunt for the perfect names for this child to call us. I was not going to be Granny and Papa. I know it worked good for my mom and dad when I had my children, but I was not going to be called the traditional. I tried out some real winner names to my children and they vetoed them all.
Now let me digress a little. When Amanda was born, I was so picky about what she was allowed to eat. I did not allow her to even have a sucker from the bank. I know, I know, I was just being stupid. I admit it. Anyway, one night I had a dream that Amanda was having a little girl (we did not know the sex of the baby at this point) and someone was wanting to give her a sucker to eat. She was being like her mother and said no, then I said "it's not a sucker, it's a lollipop", and in my dream I immediately knew that was the name for us. Lolli and Pop. I woke early the next morning and was eager to share with Amanda what I had come up with for our names. I think I called her at 7:00. She was not impressed at that hour, but later called back to tell me she loved the names. So that is how we became Lolli and Pop. After Karis was born, I soon realized that it didn't really matter what she called me as long as she called me.
So there you have it. How we came to be.