Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fun Labor Day weekend

This weekend we enjoyed a trip to the zoo and to the fair. The kids had such a good time. Karis and Brayden were up for any ride they could get on. Here they are enjoying one of their favorites. Lucy was too small to ride, but I am sure next year she will enjoy it also.

Here is a sweet pic of Lucy just hanging out in her stroller. She is such a trooper. She never fusses and is so sweet natured. You can truly tell she is the third child. As laid back as they come.

We stopped on a bench for a photo opp.

We ran into one of the children that I care for during the week. I have had Chase since he was just a few months old. I feel like he is one of my own and no one would be upset if he and Lucy were a couple one day. Looks like they have a good head start.

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