Sunday, September 19, 2010

It's been too long!

I realize that it has been two weeks since I last did a post. I started this blog so my family would have a journal of my doings and whereabouts. Looks like I have been MIA for a couple of weeks. Not really. Just really busy. Two different times I have started posts and could not get the pictures to upload. This is so frustrating to me. I should not be this old and so computer illiterate. Hope I never have to go to work outside my home any time soon. I think I would be in real trouble.

We've been super busy. Last week Karis had open house on Monday night. She was also star of the week. She was so looking forward to Mike and I coming to her open house and meeting her teacher. Well, on Tuesday of the open house, she threw up on the red carpet at school. I felt so sorry for her that I thought I was going to cry. So what did I do? I got in the car and drove to Hernando to go to an open house that Karis could not even be at. I got to meet her teacher and she is a real doll. I went back over the house to see the kids. Brayden was all up in my face and guess what? By 5:00 the next morning he was throwing up. Some how I did not get it. I was very careful what I ate for the next two days because if I got the bug, I did not want to have eaten anything chunky. I know that is TMI, but I am just saying.

Brayden had his first soccer games yesterday. Yes he had two. One at 10:00 and one at 12:00. It is unusually hot in Memphis for this time of year. By the middle of the second game he was over it. He is so little that his uniform swallows him whole. His socks came to the top of his legs. He had a great time though.

This past Friday Mike woke up and said he wasn't feeling good. He said he hurt from his back around to his stomach. He got to feeling better and headed out to go to prayer breakfast. He called about 20 minutes later and said he was in the church parking lot and was hurting again. He was headed to the er. He had a kidney stone, but it passed and he is feeling fine now. The doctor wanted to know if I had natural childbirth or an epidural. He told him that I had all my babies completely natural. He preceded to tell him that he had just experienced for 45 minutes what I had experienced for 4 to 5 hours. I think he has a new appreciation for what women go through now.

Times for us are fast and busy these days, but they have never been better. Midlife is the way to go. We are enjoying our kids more that ever and the grandkids are just icing on the cake. I am enjoying growing older everyday with my groom. He is so totally opposite of me, but we understand each other well. He is a treasure.

Guess I need to go and start getting ready for the week ahead. I have a new baby starting tomorrow. I just finished praying for his parents a little while ago. I can't imagine what it is to leave your baby for the first time.

Hopefully my next post will be sooner and with some pictures.


  1. Proud of you momma! :) You're a treasure too!

  2. I know this new little baby coming to your house will be loved just like he is your own! There is no better feeling in the world than leaving Ainsley each day with someone who loves her. It makes my day at work so easy knowing she is with you :)
