Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Well, I'm back. I know it has been a long time. For the past three months I have been extremely busy preparing for a faithwalk that took place three weeks ago. That is over now and I am back to my computer. I started this blog in order to have a record for my children and grandchildren and I plan to follow through.

I have had some serious withdrawals from the grandkids during this time. Although I have been able to see them some, it just hasn't been the same. They were here two weekends ago and we had a blast with them. We took them to the mall that Friday night and let them ride the carousel, play on the playground and jump on the spider jump. Lucy got to jump this time and liked it just like her siblings. This has been one of their favorites for the past year. Karis and Brayden love to jump so high. I tried to upload a video of this, but to no avail. Just a little bit over my computer skills.

Christmas is just around the corner and we are getting so excited. Last year we started a new tradition with our family. We chose not to buy gifts, but instead take a trip. We will leave two days after Christmas and head for the mountains. We are so looking forward to this trip. Ten years from now we would not remember what gifts we got on this Christmas, but we will always remember the trip we took. Making memories is one of my favorite things.

My next holiday tradition that I look forward to is shopping after Thanksgiving. We will head out late on Thanksgiving night and get in line at Target. We go prepared to withstand the cold temps and really have a great time. We spend literally hours in Target. It is so much fun. After our shopping spree we head out to eat for breakfast.

The festivities will begin this weekend when we put our tree up. Mike doesn't realize it's this weekend so don't tell him if you see him. He always dreads getting everything out of the attic and I don't blame him. But it is always worth it in the end.

I so much desire to always keep Christ the center of our holidays. It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, and forget the real meaning of the season. Lord, help me keep you in the center of all my thoughts and actions this season.

I have some posts to do of the kids, but I just wanted to let you know that I am back and looking forward catching up on lost time.

Love all of you, Lolli

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