Friday, December 3, 2010

Remembering a Gentle Man

Two days ago on December l, this sweet man, better known as Papa would have been 85 years old. It's been 4 years since he died suddenly of a massive stroke. Sometimes it seems like only yesterday since I watched him enjoying his grandchildren and then sometimes it seems like years ago that I heard him say "I was just calling to check on you".

My dad was as much of a gentleman as anyone I have ever known. He took care of my mom as if she was his princess. He loved my brother and I in the same way. Then came his grandchildren and great children. Oh how he loved them. He loved nothing more than having the grandchildren at his house.

I got my love for children from my Dad. I can't remember him ever seeing a baby and not holding it. He had a real love for babies and children. He loved everyone of our foster babies as if they were his. I even remember seeing his heart break a few times when a baby would leave our home that he had become especially attached to. I hated this for him because my parents didn't sign up to put their hearts on the edge like we did. They stood by us none the less and shared in the joy of each new placement that we got.

If you have your parents still with you this Christmas season, give them an extra hug and never fail to thank them for what they've done for you and what they mean to you. Both of my parents were here one minute and gone the next without any warning. I still miss them terribly and would give anything for them to see Mike and I enjoying grandparenthood as much as they did.

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