Wednesday, December 8, 2010

weekend fun with our babies

This past Saturday we had planned to take the kids to the Bartlett Christmas parade because the weather was so nice and the parade was to begin at 4:00. We thought this would be plenty of time to go to the parade before the cold front came through. Wrong. We took the kids to the mall first and we left at 3:00 to go to the parade. When we left it was very nice outside. By the time the parade started we were freezing. We had lots of covers, but it still was not enough. Lucy did not move the whole time. She was freezing.

Below is a picture of K, B, and some of their friends enjoying the parade. They did not seem to be bothered by the cold.

Before we went to the parade we met my friend Karen and my niece Amy at the mall with their children and godchildren. We ate, jumped on the spider jump, rode the carousel and played at the playground. A great time was had by all, except Pop who wears out pretty early and took Lucy home to give her a nap before the parade.

On Friday night we took the kids to Paint a Piece to paint their own ornaments. We did Lucy's handprints first and Pop took her on home while I stayed with the big kids to finish theirs. They loved doing it. Karis chose to do a Christmas tree and Brayden chose to do a dog bone in honor of their former dog Jackson. Go figure! Gotta love him.

We are so thankful for this Christmas season and that they are close enough for us to get to enjoy all the festivities of the season with them. We know not to take any time we have with them for granted. We are thankful for the time God is giving us. My mom use to refer to her time with my children as making memories and that is what I like to think we are doing everytime we are with them. I love them so.

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