Monday, February 28, 2011

WW update

Well, I weighed in on Thursday night, but I decided to wait to today to post because Mike weighs on Monday morning. My weight loss was 1.4 lbs. but Mike lost 7 lbs. this week. This is his first week to exercise and I think it really paid off. Why do men loose so much faster than women. Oh well, I am ok with my loss. That brings me to a total of 21 lbs. since I started on Jan 24. I hope to be down 40 lbs. by the time school is out.

Friday night Mike went to the men's seminar at church so I met Amanda and Jay at Davis Kidd bookstore for a book signing by the Pioneer Woman. I have made several of her recipes and they are all delicious. She is like a modern day Paula Deen. She loves to use lots of butter and heavy cream. Needless to say, I will not be eating any of this any time soon. But after 4 hours of waiting for our time to see her, I have a signed cookbook. Her husband was also there and he is so down to earth just like her. Check out her recipes online at

Today is our newest dil's birthday. Jenna, we love you and couldn't be prouder of you. You are the answer to a lifetime of prayers from Mike and I. Happy Birthday! We love you.

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