Monday, March 28, 2011

Tribute to a special young man

Friday night we all got together to celebrate Allen's 23rd birthday. This is just not any celebration for me, because Allen came to be a part of our family in the nontraditional way. Unlike our other three children, I can't tell you what I was doing on March 25, 1988. I don't know what the weather was like. Because Allen joined our family through adoption on June 16, 1988, this is the day that I can tell you exactly what the weather was like and the unbelievable anticipation Mike and I had as we traveled down to the NICU at the Med to bring him home. We were absolutely beside ourselves at the thought of adding this precious new life to our family. When Allen was born he weighed only 2lbs. 1 oz. He was so critical for a couple of months that it was unknown if he would live or not, but God had other plans for Allen.

Allen, I want you to know that you may not carry my genes, but you are the child that is most like me. You always know what I am thinking and we think exactly alike. I love you from the very bottom of my being and know that our lives would not be complete without you. God may have chosen another mother to carry you, but I am 100% sure you were made to join our family through adoption. We are so thankful for a woman that was willing to give you life in order that our life could be made fuller and complete.

You have grown up to be such lovable young man. You are adored by your nieces and nephew. They think you are the greatest. I admire the way that I have seen the Lord work in your life over the past few years. I look forward to what is in store for the rest of your life. You are a delight to be with and I always enjoy your company.

Please know that you are the child that was born in my heart and I love you with all my heart. I love you son!

Friday, March 25, 2011

ww update

Last night was ww for me. I did not go last week because I was at the beach. I lost 2.8 lbs in two weeks. I was happy with this since I have been out of town and may have eaten a little more than I should. This brings my total to 28.6 lbs. Maybe next week I will break the 30 lb. mark. We'll see.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring Break 2011

My bff (besides my husband) owns a condo in Destin, FL. Yes, she was my bff before they bought their condo! Anyway, we decided to take off to her condo along with another friend and her two girls. I took Kam with me and Karen has a little boy, so if you are counting that is 3 adults and 4 kids under four. We left last Friday around 4:00. We arrived here about 1:30 a.m. Saturday morning. We got in bed around 2:15 and at 5:30 Kam was throwing up. Ughhh. Thankfully, that was short lived and by mid morning you would not know she was ever sick. Much to our amazement, no one else got sick, especially since we were closed up in car in very close quarters for 10 hours.

When I uploaded my pictures they came out in a different order than I wanted them to and I couldn't figure out how to rearrange them so they are somewhat backwards. Below is Kameron and Isaac after a long day at the beach. Both of them laid down and went to sleep for over 2 hours. Debby and her girls went back to the condo to nap. We are staying at the beach all day. The weather is absolutely gorgeous. The ocean is prettier than I have ever seen it. It is pretty cold, but today we were able to get in some.

This is a picture of Kam just enjoying the sand and sun.

Kameron posing with her shovel, but notice how blue the water is. I have never seen it more perfect. Not a spot of seaweed or June grass. Perfectly ice blue.

More pics of Kam with all the sand toys.
We are having a great time but there are college kids everywhere. They all seem to have spring break 2011 T-shirts on. We decided that with all the kids we have with us that we should get shirts that say Spring but NO Break.

Love to our families and can't wait to see you soon.

Friday, March 11, 2011

WW update

Last night was weigh in again. I was nervous about it since we were in Jackson, MS last weekend visiting Jonathan and eating at some really good restaurants. I tried to be cautious as to what I ordered and it seemed to pay off. I lost 3.6 lbs. this week. This brings my total to 25.2 lbs.

I am leaving for the beach today so it will be 2 weeks before I get to weigh again. In my mind, I am set to do really good on my trip, but I know that with food I am just like an alcoholic and I can fall off the wagon in a matter of minutes. There is something about being on vacation and wanting to eat. I also know that it will be a challenge to exercise since all of the girls going are carrying small children with us.

Until I update from sunny Florida with pictures........................

Friday, March 4, 2011

WW update

Well, last night was my regular weigh in. I had lost 2.2 lbs. this week. I am very happy with this, and I know this is the best way to do weight loss, but my goal seems so far off. This brings my total to 23.2 lbs. since Jan. 23. I will be very happy if I can average 2 lbs. a week, but I know realistically that this will not happen every week. I got some really good tips last night, like trying to confuse your body by eating different amount of points on some days and then go back to your allotted points. Also, to try and confuse your body by mixing your exercise up. I know I need to do some strength training, but I hate it. Oh well, maybe I will try to work on this. I can just do one change at a time.

Mike on the other hand lost 7.5 lbs. this past week. He weighs on Mondays and he was so fired up. He looks really good and is loving it.

I am off to do some housework. I know this will for sure confuse my body. Housework has not been a priority lately.

Looking forward to spending a weekend with all our kids and grandkids. Now that makes Lolli one happy gal.